
Sunday, December 20, 2009

Ritual Visit to our Father Huaytapallana

Produced by the villagers in September 2009, the video has become enormously symbolic for the Quecha, leading many villagers to once again take up their traditions of nurturing Mother Earth.
The significance of this cannot be understated. Even though Quechuan culture has withstood “500 years of invasion and the dictatorship of individualism,” as Hugo Blanco points out, it is today broaching toward extinction, like the cultures and languages of so many other Indigenous Nations around the world.

As “Conversations with the Earth” notes on their campaign website, this became abundantly clear to Quecha earlier this year, when an evangelical Mayor banished Andean Ceremonies and Rituals – including the one you are about to see.
“Conversations with the Earth” is an indigenous-led multimedia campaign that helps communities share their stories of climate change. Several more films are available at their website,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Das Leben dergleichen Halbfaßung
der Welt wahr immer nicht wahr,
nicht wahr? Die fristlos' Entlaßung
am Ende wird kaum wunderbar.

So laßen uns Menschlingen viele
besonders besonnene zum
Zeitweilegem Zeiten als Ziele
des Lebens halbfaßen darum.


Schwarzes Birne!
Aufforderung zur Erotik.

Meine deutsche Gedichte


I went downtown, saw Katie in the nude
on Common Avenue, detracted soltitude
as it were, like a dream-state rosely hued,
like no one else could see her; DAMN! I phewed;

was reciprokelly then, thank heaven, viewed,
bestowed unique hard-on! but NOT eschewed,
contrair-ee-lee, she took a somewhat rude
'n readidy attude of Sex Prelude; it BREWED!

And for a start, i hiccuped "Hi!", imbued
with Moooood! She toodledooed: "How queued
your awe-full specie-ally-tee, Sir Lewd,
to prove (alas!), to have me finely screwed,

and hopef'lly afterwards beloved, wooed,
alive, huh? Don't you even DO it, Duu-uuude!"

My English Poetry Blog

N'est-que pas que la solitude elle-mème eveille quelque attente fébrile? Voici l'entrée, vide, discrètetement illuminée comme une musée nocturne – la terasse, avec ses torchères ondoyantes par un soir d'Avent étrangement doux – laissant le vestibule et les murmures de voix – la chambre immaculée immaculée et la musique de danse derrière le mur – et le bar à cocktails mondains – le bassin où le nageur s'entrâine, longeur après longeur, il en n'a jamais assez, il doit y mettre de sien – enfin, tournant vers le haut au coin du sombre couloir vient la fille noire et pâle, altière, déterminée et de style épuré, ainsi qu'un moderne avion de chasse suédois.



Exit time. Las chicas dejan el espejo de bar
dormindose en sus corazónes de alta traícion.
El Señor no levanta. Él pastorea a sus pies
los presuntos compradores. Y nos bendice.

My spanish poetry blog


Consider Sex and time, procreation, reincarnation. Trigonometry! I envisage the time axis as the repetitive tangens function. Do you see what I mean? What can be tentatively derived from this notion? Clue: orgasm AND birth pangs at tan 0.

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- Peter Ingestad, Sweden